Global Perspectives
Global Perspectives
In additional to being an American citizen, I am a citizen of the world. I am committed to helping people in all parts of the world - even [or perhaps especially] those in the so-called "Developing" world - to flourish. My primary focus has been in helping academics and professionals in HCI to grow and expand the awareness of our field within their organizations, countries, and even continents. I believe firmly that it is critical that we consider the entire world - both so we can design technology to be maximally useful and usable, but also so we are able to help people to build the kinds of lives they want.
My work and my professional service have, luckily, given me the opportunity to develop an ever-widening global world view. Of course, I still have blinders as we all do, but I seek to actively expose and challenge them so I can grow and be more effective as a citizen of the world.
Although this set of articles in Interactions Magazine is old (from 2003), it shows the beginning of the field that has become "HCI Across Borders."